Popular Volcanics
A podcast about volcanoes hosted by Dr. Erik Klemetti and Dr. Janine Krippner. Each month we'll talk about eruptions going on around the world, banter about volcano research and talk to a guest about the world of magma (and other stuff, too).
Popular Volcanics
Episode #2: Shake, Rattle and Explode
Popular Volcanics
Season 1
Episode 2
Your hosts: Erik Klemetti and Janine Krippner
Guest: Mika McKinnon
An episode in which we discuss Erik's field work in Oregon, the dangers of tourism on active volcanoes, why lava lakes are so fascinating, what can (and can't) be triggered by big earthquakes and what the connections might be between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We also chat with Mika McKinnon about her path into geosciences, hazards posed by earthquakes and what you should do about them, what puppies might have to do with earthquake aftershocks and why you shouldn't lick molten lava.