Popular Volcanics
A podcast about volcanoes hosted by Dr. Erik Klemetti and Dr. Janine Krippner. Each month we'll talk about eruptions going on around the world, banter about volcano research and talk to a guest about the world of magma (and other stuff, too).
Popular Volcanics
Episode #3: Set Adrift on Pumice Rafts with You
Popular Volcanics
Season 1
Episode 3
Your hosts: Erik Klemetti and Janine Krippner
We banter about pumice rafts and why they're so cool, why bad Op-Eds in newspapers about volcanoes are not cool, the dangers of pyroclastic flows moving over water and the recent global eruption activity. We then dive into answering listener questions, including how volcanoes get names, whether there is a set pattern to volcanic activity over a volcano's life, what is the most hazardous volcano in the U.S., why anorthosite are weird and why never nuke a volcano (or hurricane).